金剛乘法嗣──尊貴 龍德嚴淨仁波切(龍德上師)以實修證量著稱,由於龍德 上師的悲心與弘願,精進於大乘及密續教法典籍實修,同時親近具真實解脫力之具德上師,有系統地鑽研金剛密乘,心無旁騖地神馳於顯密教典法海,數十年如一日從未間斷弘揚顯密三乘教法。因為在 龍德上師的心中,始終清楚刻劃著一張如何弘揚正信佛教、續佛慧命的藍圖;那是一張心繫無數眾生得以真實解脫的弘願善網。
尊貴 龍德上師開示顯密經典,致力於將顯密佛法圓滿融合。受觀音山海內外各道場會長及眾弟子善信之啟請,成為數百處佛學中心、共修處之住持及首席教授師。
尊貴 龍德上師致力於將藏傳佛教的法流深耕臺灣,讓對藏傳佛教有興趣之人,能具足正確如法的修學課程和學習環境。
• 薩迦IBA國際佛學院
尊貴的堪千 阿貝仁波切親自囑託授予創辦「國際八思巴顯密佛學院」,爾後更親自題賜「臺灣薩迦寺」。臺灣薩迦寺座落於山區,離塵世而靜謐,是一處潛修教法的吉祥地。
• 大準提寺、釋迦牟尼佛苑,皆是現代化設計之寺廟,座落於市區,提供忙碌現代人方便學習佛法之清淨地。
尊貴的 龍德上師為觀音山 現任多所寺廟住持。建立僧團,以法攝僧是為了正法的長久住世;同時提供上求解脫道之行者,一處安心向道之所。上師帶領僧俗七眾弟子依生圓次第如法實修,廣弘顯密殊勝教法,解行並重,以荷擔如來家業為己任,解眾生之苦為職志。
❶ 創辦「觀音山 全球網路佛教電視臺」
❷ 成立「觀音山法藏」YouTube頻道,
❸ 「觀音山 龍德上師」YouTube頻道
提供慈悲 龍德上師之長篇開示,完整的佛法課程。是實修佛法經教,建立聞思修次第最佳的學習園地。
❹ 成立FB「觀音山 法藏吉祥洲-好文分享」,
❺ Podcast開立雙頻道:
❻ 龍德上師法語甘露官方部落格
匯集慈悲 龍德上師顯密經論開示之文字精華,易於檢索、查詢,主題式深入學習實踐佛法教義,快速累積正確見地。
於網路平台上,曾聽聞尊貴 龍德上師開示法教者,遠遠超過一億人次。
《無上 藥師七佛本尊灌頂》、
「無上 藥師七佛本尊實修」、
「顯密融合的八關齋戒」等逾千場,以及口傳萬人殊勝佛法密咒,佛法甘露遍布全球 利眾難以計數。
受政府機關、民間團體、電視、廣播電臺邀請開辦佛學講座,凡聽過 龍德上師開示者,常被其悲心攝受而感動,繼而對佛法生起正信,依教奉行,改變命運。
尊貴 龍德上師因數十年來講經說法,佛法義理融會貫通於心,了了分明,在極其忙碌的弘法日常中,還經常於深夜整理經教、寫作著書。
• 目前已出版:
慈悲 龍德上師以身教、言教,傾盡心力於弘揚正信佛教;稟持續佛慧命,俾令佛法永續綿延的使命,致力於佛法教育,此弘願善網已遍布全球五大洲,利眾無數。
The Dharma heir of Vajrayana─Venerable Guru Lung Du Yung Jing Rinpoche (Guru Lung Du) is famous for his real practice and enlightenment.Due to his compassion and aspirations,he is diligent in the practice of Mahayana and Tantric teachings,and at the same time, by being close to the real, virtuous gurus with the power of liberation,he systematically studied Vajrayana and Tantric teachings,devoting himself to the sea of sutra and tantric scriptures without distraction,and has never ceased to promote the teachings of sutra and tantra of three vehicles for decades.In the heart of Guru Lung Du,there is always a blueprintfor how to promote orthodox Buddhism and continue the Buddha's wisdom;this is a net of great aspirations that is concerned with the true liberation of countless sentient beings.
1.To establish hundreds of Dharma preaching centers at home and abroad
Venerable Guru Lung Du teaches the sutras and esoteric scriptures,
and he is committed to the perfect integration of the sutras and tantras.
Invited by the superintendents of all Guan Yin Shan’s Buddhist centers,
disciples and believers at home and abroad,
he has become the abbot and chief teacher of hundreds of Buddhist centers.
2.To establish Taiwan Sakya Monastery, Cundhi Temple, Shakyamuni Buddhist Center
Venerable Guru Lung Du is committed to deeply cultivating the Dharma of Tibetan Buddhism in Taiwan,so that those who are interested in Tibetan Buddhism can have the correct training courses and learning environment in their study of the Dharma.
•Venerable Khenchen Appey Rinpoche of Sakya International Buddhist Academy (IBA)
personally entrusted Lung Du Rinpoche with the founding of the International Phags-pa Exo-esoteric Buddhist Academy. Later, he even conferred the title of "Taiwan Sakya Monastery" for the first Sakya monastery in Taiwan,located in a mountainous area of the middle Taiwan,quiet and away from the mundane world,an auspicious place for meditation practice.
•Cundhi Temple and Shakyamuni Buddhist Center situated in the cities,are both modernly designed temples.They provide convenient and clean places for modern people living a bustling life to study the Buddha’s teachings.
3.Create a Sangha
Venerable Guru Lung Du is the current abbot of many temples of Guan Yin Shan.He has established the Sangha,using the Dharma to take over the Sangha, making the Dharma last on the earth;and at the same time, it provides a place for those who seek the way of liberation,a place where they can go to the way with peace of mind.The Guru led the disciples of monks and laymen to practice in accordance with the Dharma,widely spreading the teachings of the sutras and tantras, paying equal attention to understanding and practice,taking on the full duty of sustaining lotus Tathagata and relieving the suffering of all living beings.
4. Propagating the Dharma on the Internet platform
(1) To set up Guan Yin Shan Global Buddhist TV Network
With modern technology,we have created some online practice sites, without time and space restrictions,which can therefore spread Buddhism 24 hours a day,which enables the public to participate simultaneously through live broadcast.
(2) To established the "Guan Yin Shan Fazang,"
a YouTube channel,with over 110,000 subscribers and over 45 million views.and over 45 million views.
(3) “Guan Yin Shan Lung Du Rinpoche” channel on YouTube
This channel provides a variety of long speeches of Guru Lung Du
and a series of complete Dharma courses.It is the best learning space for practicing Buddhist scriptures and teachings,in accordance with the utmost learning order of listening, thinking, and practicing.
(4) Establishing on Facebook “@DaBeiFazang”
-- Good Article Sharing" nearly 20,000 people followed,and published more than 3,000 articles.
(5) Opening dual channels on Podcast
"Trouble OUT! Problems can be solved,"and "Thinking about life and death."
(6) An official blog “The Manna Words from Guru Lung Du”
The blog gathers the essence of words from Guru Lung Du's esoteric scriptures and lectures,easy to search and query,with thematic in-depth teachings to help Buddhists quickly accumulate correct viewpoints.
quickly accumulate correct viewpoints.
On the Internet platforms,the number of people who have heard Venerable Guru Lung Du giving lectures far exceeds 100 million times.
5. Narrating the sutras and esoteric scriptures
The Great Treasures Collection Sutra;
Wonderful Dharma Lotus Sutra;
The surangama Sutra;The Discourse On The Ten Wholesome Ways Of Action;
The Difficulty of Repaying the Profound Kindness of Parents Sutra;
The Sutra on the Buddha's Bequeathed Teachings;
The Bodhisattva's Fifty Precepts of the Body Sutra;
The sutra in Forty-two sections;
The Sutra of Contemplation on Amitabha Buddha;
The Thirty-seven Practices of Bodhisattvas;
Teachings to Approach the Holy Guru;
The Words of My Perfect Teacher— the Preliminary Practices Before Dzogchen;
The sequence of Initiation in Vajrayana Buddhism;
The commentary of The Fifty Verses of Guru Devotion;Prayers for the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss;
the five Pure Land Sutras and other sutras.
6. Dharma Empowerment and Ritual Explanations
The Five Preliminary Practices Before Dzogchen;
The Teaching of Dêrma Tantra of The Amitabha's Pure Land;
Green Tara Rituals;
The Empowerment of the Seven Supreme Medicine Buddhas;
The Teaching of Dêrma Tantra of The Great Compassion Avalokitesvara;
Praises to Twenty-one Taras;
The Offering to the Dharma Protectors for Removal of Obstacles, and so on.
7. Practicing Retreat Teachings
"Dzogchen and Mahamudra Meditation Camp",
"Advanced Dharma Benefiting Beings Training Camp",
"Mahamudra Meditation Camp","Phowa Retreat",
"Dzogchen Advance Retreat", " Actual Practice of the Seven Supreme Medicine Buddhas "
and "The Eight Precepts ceremony of the Exo-Esoteric Buddhism".
and oral transmission of the Buddhist mantras to tens of thousands of people.
The nectar of Buddha's teachings is spread all over the world, and people beyond numbers have benefited from it.
8. Touring Dharma Lectures
Invited by government agencies, non-governmental organizations, television,and radio stations to hold lectures on Buddhism,Guru Lung Du has benefited those who have heard his teachings.They are often moved by his compassion,and then they develop righteous faith in Buddhism,following the teachings, and consequently changing their destiny.
9. Writing Books and Teaching
Venerable Guru Lung Du has taught Buddhist scriptures for decades,and the principles of Buddhism have been integrated into His heart and understood clearly.
In the extremely busy daily life of promoting Dharma,He often organizes the scriptures and teachings late at night and writes books.
The books that have been published are as follows:
The Diamond Heart Sutra;
The Difficulty of Repaying the Profound Kindness of Parents Sutra: the vernacular note;
Prajna Moon—Holy Salvation of Tara's Dharma Source and Sacred Sites;
The publication of The Great Vow of Amitabha in 2020
and The Dzogchen Teachings by Lung Du Yung Jing Rinpoche in 2022 have both received wide acclaim
and topped the bestseller list on online bookstores.
[Bestseller List - General - 30 Days Bestseller List] No. 1
[New Releases - Religious Numerology] No. 1
[New Books Chart ] No. 1
10. Founding of the Printing and Donation Society
Guan Yin Shan offers free Buddhist scriptures and good books all over the world,individuals or organizations,including Correctional Institutions, libraries,schools, and various charitable organizations.
It promotes the movement of "Hundred Years for Human Cultivation and Sage Education,"with hundreds of volunteers systematically promoting the Reading Rooting Project in many primary schools
Over the years, more than ten million copies of books have been given away for free,and the amount of the investment in funds and manpower has been beyond calculation.
11. The Promotion of Killing Cessation and Protection of Hundreds of Millions Animals Life
The Society for the Protection of Life has been establishedto promote legal conservation and release activities in accordance with the government decrees in various places.It educates the public to respect life and develop Bodhicitta
and develop Bodhicitta.It has benefited all sentient beings and has held over 1,000 release activities.
The Guan Yin Shan Vegetarian Restaurant was established to promote vegetarianism by providing free and delicious vegetarian foods to the public from all over the world. It has bonded with the public more than millions of vegetarian meals.
Compassionate Guru Lung Du has devoted himself to the propagation of righteous Buddhism with his actions and words.Furthermore, He has dedicated himself to the continuation of wisdom of the Buddha and the education of Buddhism for the mission of the sustainability of the Buddhadharma. The vision network of Buddhism propagation has spread all over the five continents of the world and has benefited countless people.